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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I received a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Ohio State University in 2017, and a B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2012. I was a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Berkeley between 2017-2019, working with Prof. Kameshwar Poolla and Prof. Pravin Varaiya. I received the 2020 O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council, the Best Student Paper Award at 2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the Best Student Paper Award Finalist at 2018 European Control Conference.


  • 2024/07: Dr. Yitong Shang has been promoted to Research Assistant Professor. Congratulations!

  • 2024/04: Our project "Development of a Dynamic Itinerary Planning and Traffic Prediction System for
    Tourist Coaches" is funded by Smart Traffic Fund. 

  • 2024/03: Our paper "Regulating For-Hire Autonomous Vehicles for An Equitable Multimodal Transportation Network" is accepted by Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.

  • 2024/03 Our paper "Towards a Multimodal Charging Network: Joint Planning of Charging Stations and Battery Swapping Stations for Electrified Ride-Hailing Fleets" is accepted by Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 

  • 2024/02: Our paper "Planning and Operation of Ride-Hailing Networks with a Mixture of Level-4 Autonomous Vehicles and For-Hire Human Drivers" is accepted by Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

  • 2024/02: Our paper "Regulating Transportation Network Companies with a Mixture of Autonomous Vehicles and For-Hire Human Drivers" is accepted by Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

  • 2024/01: Our paper "FedPT-V2G: Security Enhanced Federated Transformer Learning for Real-time V2G Dispatch with Non-IID Data" is accepted by Applied Energy.

  • 2023/09: Our project "Smart Pipes for Sustainable Buildings" is funded by Innovation and Technology Fund, where I serve as co-I.

  • 2023/08: I received a sponsored project from LimX Dynamics, to collaborate on "Control Algorithms for Multi-Sensor Robotic Systems". 

  • 2023/07: Our project "Transport Decarbonization and Congestion Management with a Credit Charge-cum-Reward Scheme" is funded by General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, where I serve as co-I.

  • 2023/01: Our paper "An Economic Analysis of On-Demand Food Delivery Platforms: Impacts of Regulations and Integration with Ride-Sourcing Platforms" is accepted by Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

  • 2022/12: We successfully organized the 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies on Dec 12-13, 2022!

  • 2022/12: New postdocs Tingting DONG and Yitong SHANG joined our group. Welcome!

  • 2022/10: Our paper "An Analysis of Labor Regulations for Transportation Network Companies" is accepted by Economics of Transportation. 

  • 2022/09: Our project "Managing Mobility-on-Demand Services based on Level-4 Autonomous Vehicles: Coordination of Mixed Fleets and Regulation on Ride-Sourcing Platforms" is funded by Young Scientist Fund, National Science Foundation of China. 

  • 2022/09: New students Yulong HU and Shunpeng YANG joined our group. Welcome!

  • 2022/08: Our paper "Coordinating Supply and Demand in Ride-sourcing Markets with Pre-assigned Pooling Service and Traffic Congestion Externality" is accepted by Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

  • 2022/08: Our project "Regulating Tourist Coach Parking in Hong Kong: Curbside Management and Carpark Provision" is funded by Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, PICO.

  • 2022/07: Our project "Regulating For-Hire Autonomous Vehicle Towards an Equitable Mobility Future" is funded by General Research Fund, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.  

  • 2022/05: Our paper "Optimal pricing and fleet management for shared electric vehicle in coupled power and transport networks" is accepted by Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

  • 2022/03: Our paper "On-demand valet charging for electric vehicles: economic equilibrium, Infrastructure Planning and Regulatory Incentives" is accepted by Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.

  • 2022/01: Our paper "Shared parking for ride-sourcing platforms to reduce cruising traffic" is accepted by Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 

  • 2020/07: Our project "Regulating Transportation Network Companies in Multimodal Transportation Systems" is funded by Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.  


Contact Information

Office: 3586 (via lyft 27-28), HKUST, Clear Water Bay


Phone: +(852)2358-7155

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